Rotaract Club Sofia International is going to have a joint meeting with Rotaract Club Sofia City on Dec 4 2011 at the Downtown Hotel starting at 19:00 h. Guests are also welcome. Hope to see you all there!

Rotaract Club Sofia International is going to have a joint meeting with Rotaract Club Sofia on Oct 17 2011 at the Rila Hotel starting at 19:00 h. Guests are also welcome. Hope to see you all there!
As of today, our 2 friends Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev and Mr. Andrey Stoychev are accepted as members of Rotary Club Sofia International. With this act they are no longer members of Rotaract Club Sofia International. We thank them for the help, support and devotion in Rotaract Club Sofia International.

Group photo at Model National Assembly 2011
The Rotaract Club Sofia International had the honor, pleasure and opportunity once again to participate in the initiation of a good tradition. This time the participation of RACSI was together with Rotaract Club Sofia Sredets, SOFIMUN Foundation, National Union “Treasure the Bulgarian Heritage” and Association “Representative”. The project was called “Model National Assembly” or for clarity – Model National Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria. The project aimed to gather young perspective high-school pupils and freshman year university students. The active participation of students from all around Bulgaria made this event an unforgetable one. The partnership and generous support by Friedrich Ebert Foundation – Bulgaria, New Bulgarian University, Hotel Hemus and the National Association of the Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria, gave the young people a couple of days in which they learnt one from each other, started interacting and now they continue together for a better future of their communities. The Sofia Municipality, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, and other institutions supported this initiative. Rotaract Club Sofia International helped by having Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev (Past-President and Secretary 2011-2012) and Mr. Andrey Stoychev (member) involved in the project.
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The Rotary movement in Bulgaria today marked 20 years of its official renewal in Bulgaria. The Rotary movement along with almost all non-governmental organization that united the leaders in Bulgaria were banned after the transformation from a monarchy to a People’s Republic of Bulgaria in the mid-1940-ies. The socialist and comunist parties recognized the formation and progress of other wealthy and strong organization as a prerequisite to political tension, no matter the fact that Rotary has never been actively involed in issues of political and religious character. After the reforms that brought more democratic opportunities to the people in Bulgaria, the Rotary movement was reborn and for the last 20 years it has shown that it is an important and leading group of leaders that build, maintain and bring progress to their communities.
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Guests' e-mail group
Rotaract Club Sofia International has started a special web-based e-mail group for all of its guests that want to participate in the Club’s projects and programs, but do not have the ability to become members of the Club. The idea is proposed and implemented by Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev – the 2011-2012 Secretary of the Club and it aims to gather all the friends of RACSI in one centralized database in order the Club to be more successful in its activities. Anyone who is not a member of RACSI can add his/her e-mail address. You can find the e-mail subscribtion form on the right sidebar of the RACSI website ( ).
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2011-2012 Rotary International theme
Rotaract Club Sofia International had today its 2nd meeting for the 2011-2012 Rotarian year, after the seasonal vacation that was from the beginning of July, through August, till September 19. The meeting was attended by a little number of members and guests. The Secretary of the Club, Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev provided the agenda and a report on all that has happened related to the Club during the seasonal vacation. Many new joint and solemn projects were discussed and moved forward into forming a group for them from the members and the guests. Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev proposed the year to be filled with initiatives that coincide with the 2011-2012 Rotary International theme – “Reach Wwithin to Embrace Humanity”.
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Rotarian Football Tournament 2011
The Rotaract Club Sofia International and Rotary Club Sofia International took part in the 3rd edition of the Annual Rotary Football Tournament “The Governor’s Cup” ‘2011 that took place in the exlusive spa and sport resort “Tzarsko Selo” (“King’s Village”) in the outskirts of Sofia city on September 17, 2011 – the Day of Sofia city. The almost 100 players, cheerleaders and audience were greeted by the Past-District-Governor, Mr. Plamen Minev and by Mr. Iliya Iliev, President 2011-2012 of Rotary Club Sofia Vitosha. The opening ceremony was conducted with the help of Mrs. Violeta Toncheva.
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Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The Rotaract Club Sofia International together with the sponsorship of SVETU Ltd., a company owned by the Past-President of Rotaract Club Sofia International – Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev, have provided a generous donation to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. More specifically the donation has been made to the Institute for Plant Physiology and Genetics by providing 2 important new-technology products – a fully customizable website ( and an intranet system for the work of the teams that produce the 2 specialized journals. The Institute for Plant Physiology and Genetics has been recognized as a structure in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with one of the best websites. Also the Institute for Plant Physiology and Genetics has started to work more on international projects and has gained more prestige from the ability to have up-to-date information posted and spread through the website it now has.

Official Flag of Rotaract Club Sofia International
The Rotaract Club Sofia International now has an official flag. The flag is designed by the company owned by a member of the club and it is in accordance with the official flag of the Rotary Club Sofia International. The official flag of the Club is to be used as a present and exchange token at visitin Rotarians and Rotaract members. The Rotaract Club Sofia International has a special moto – “Ductus Exemplo” which has a special place on the flag. Also the flag incorporates the 2 main colours of RACSI and the logo of the Club.

H.E. Amb. Warlick (USA) answering questions of young international leaders at SOFIMUN 2011
Thanks to the efforts and support of Rotaract Club Sofia International, the beautiful capital of Bulgaria, Sofia became an arena for world politics for 1 week during the 4th edition of the Sofia International Model United Nations (July 23-30 2011). The event was organized together with the SOFIMUN International Foundation and the UN branch offices in Bulgaria. The main sponsors of the event were the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Bulgaria Office), Hotel Hemus and US Embassy in Sofia.
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Mr. Lubomir Zhelehanov - President 2011/2012
Born in the middle of the summer, Lubomir Zhelehanov is very social and positive person. Together with various sports practices, he graduated a top high-school in Sofia, the Anglo-American School, as a scholarship student. Currently, he is a Political Sciences top student in the New Bulgarian University of Sofia. Having himself faced and overcome many controversial moments in his life, at this young age Lubomir has learned that the thing that matters most in life is to love and help his relatives and friends, because they are indeed the people who would support him. On his way to becoming a successful and responsible person though, he would not rely on the help of anyone or anything other than his personal intelligence and ambition.
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