
Archive for the ‘Future Projects’ Category

NEXT: (03.03) Visit and donation to St. Nicolas Orphanage in Novi Han

February 15th, 2010
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imgp2436The Rotaract Club Sofia International is organizing a visit and donation of needed hygiene items to the St. Nicolas Orphanage in Novi Han on March 3rd 2010.

The Rotaract Club Sofia International is starting a project of a regular donation of needed items for the home where about 120 people in need live.

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NEXT: (02.03) Rotaract Sofia International will donate a unique set

February 15th, 2010
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atlas_6_11The Rotaract Club Sofia International has solemnly decided to donate 1 set of unique atlases which are highly expensive. The atlases will be donated at the 2nd Annual Donation ceremony in the National Museum of Archeology where most of the Rotary clubs in the District 2482 will gather to contribute. This is the first time that a Rotaract club will make a donation of this kind. Until now only Rotary clubs have made such donations.

The ceremony will take place in the National Museum of Archeology (next to Bulgarian National Bank) and will start at 11:00 h. See you there!

NEXT: (01-03.03) Traditional BG Marteniza project to be implemented

February 15th, 2010
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p1000691Rotaract Club Sofia International is going to implement for a 2nd time the BG MARTENITZA project in the period March 1-3 2010 in the city of Sofia and Novi Han

The projected will consist of the donation of the traditional Bulgarian symbol for Spring – Martenitza to the people in a hospital in Sofia, a home for elderly people, to an orphanage in Novi Han and to ordinary people in the center of Sofia city.

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NEXT: (18.01) Joint meeting with RAC Sofia Balkan

January 12th, 2010
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Rotaract Club Sofia International is going to have a joint meeting with Rotaract Club Sofia Balkan on Jan 18 2010 at the Downtown Hotel from 19:00 h.

Guests are invited too.

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NEXT: (13-23.11) Donation of Christmas Spirit

December 13th, 2009
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christmastree1Rotaract Club Sofia International is proud to inform you about its next initiative which brings the spirit of Christmas and holly rituals to childrenand elderly people.

The Rotaract Club Sofia International proposed 2 months ago an initiative for all 9 Sofia Rotaract clubs which consisted of providing Christmas trees with decoration and also some goods and food to more than 20 homes for orphans and elderly people. The donation primarly was supposed to be a joint initiative of all Sofia clubs but in the end Rotaract Club Sofia International and Rotaract Club Sofia Balkan with also the help of Rotary Club Sofia International have managed to spare some time and to provide 20 Christmas trees with decoration, goods and food for the “Donation of Christmas spirit” initiative.

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NEXT: (11.12) Teambuilding of RAC & Rotary Sofia International

December 7th, 2009
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hans_prombergerThe Rotaract Club Sofia International is organizing it’s teambuilding for 3 days in Plovdiv city. The dates are 11,12,13 December 2009 and the members and guests are going to play team games and have lectures from fellow Rotarian friends from the sponsors Rotary Club Sofia International.

The main speaker is going to be Mr. Hans Promberger who is 1 of the 2 responsible members of the Rotary club for the Rotaract program. He is going to talk on types of leaderships and conduct a couple of exercises for the joining of the members of the Rotaract Club.

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NEXT: (05.12) 3rd Annual Christmas Theatre Trip for Orphans

December 3rd, 2009
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wooden-puppet-theatre-circus1Rotary Club Sofia International and Rotaract Club Sofia International are organizing the 3rd edition of the annual Christmas theatre trip for orphans.

In Saturday (Dec 5th 2009) the Rotary Club Sofia International and Rotaract Club Sofia International will organize a theatre trip for about 130 orphans from 6 orphanages on the territory of Sofia city. The program consists of hvaing the children have a very smiley breakfast with the help of McDonalds restaurant on Slaveykov square in the center of the city. Afterwards the children will be lead to the Capital Puppet Theatre that is 2 blocks away from the restarurant on Gurko str. Then the children will watch a puppet show and afterwards upon their exiting of the theatre will receive packages with presents.

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NEXT: (30.10) 2nd Annual Golf Charity Day

October 27th, 2009
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2nd_rotary_international_golf_dayRotary Club Sofia International, Rotaract Club Sofia International and Rotary Club Ihtiman (District 2482, Bulgaria) invite you to participate in the 2nd ROTARY CHARITY GOLF OURNAMENT to be held at Air Sofia Golf Club in Ihtiman.

DATE: Saturday, Oct. 31 2009; TIME: 10:00 am – Shotgun start; ENTRANCE FEE FOR GUESTS: 40 lv. (free for kids up to 12 y.o.); REGISTRATION FEE FOR PLAYERS: 100 lv.

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