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RACSI at District 2482 Handover Conference

July 2nd, 2011

RACSI members with the new president of RAC Sofia Balkan - Mrs. Slavena Atanasova, at the Celebration for the New Rotarian Year

The Rotaract Club Sofia International attended the District 2482 Handover Conference on July 2, 2011. The event took place at the government residence Boyana, situated in the footsteps of Vitosha mountain (5 kms. from Sofia city centre). The event was organized by the District Rotary, Rotaract and Interact commissions together with the help of individual members. The conference marked the end of the previous Rotarian year and aimed to celebrate the beginning of the new one. The celebration was populated with different live performances of popular Bulgarian singers and dancing groups. The event was attended by more than 550 Rotarians and guests. The program included a hand-over celebration from the DG 2010-2011 Mr. Krasimir Ganchev to the DG 2011-2012 Mrs. Anelia Dosheva.

On behalf of Rotaract Club Sofia International the event was attended by Ms. Adriana Rusenova, Mr. Andrey Stoychev and Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev (General-Secretary for 2011-2012).

Rotaract Club Sofia International issues a gratitude to the organizers of the event for the success it achieved!

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