RACSI Members Organize a Conference in Chisinau, Moldova

Moldova International Model United Nations
Members of Rotaract Club Sofia International helped for the organization of the premier edition of the Moldova International Model United Nations – a truly inspiring project for young specialists and students from all around the world who gathered for a couple of days in the beautiful city of Chisinau in order to enjoy in-depth workshops and debates together with current high-rank diplomats and professionals in the area of multicultural activities. The MDIMUN 2011 event was organized by the Creative Development Association with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Moldova, the United Nations in Moldova, the US Embassy in Moldova, IREX Moldova and the SOFIMUN International Foundation. As part of the SOFIMUN International Foundation and Rotaract Club Sofia International the event was conducted with the help of Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev (Secretary of Rotaract Club Sofia International for 2011-2012 and Secretary-General of the MDIMUN 2011 event) and by Mr. Andrey Stoychev (member of RACSI and Director for European Cooperation in the SOFIMUN Foundation).
For more information, please visit: www.mdimun.org