NEXT: (28.05) Austrian Charity Evening for a Noble Cause
The Rotaract Club Sofia International together with Rotary Club Sofia International is proud to present to you the chance to lend a helping hand to the forgotten children and adults of Bulgaria by supporting our Austrian Charity Evening at the Military Club, May 28th 2010. All Proceeds to benefit the PASTRA Organization and the SOS Children’s Villages Bulgaria.
Pastra is a home for 80 mentally disturbed persons, in the village of Pastra, near Rila, in Southern Bulgaria. The SOS Children’s’ Village is located in the Pernik municipality, close to Sofia. The home in Pastra was recently somewhat improved by the Austrian Concordia Foundation with an investment of € 90.000 but much can still be done. A further € 30.000 must be found to install showers, renovate the sleeping area and replace old doors. The SOS Kinderdorf will also use the funds for the renovation of a home hosting 6 children.
We realize the difficulties faced by the business community today and the need for flexibility, good adaptation skills and courage in the new economic conditions. In this respect, we remain open for any form of co-operation and sponsorship which would help us to raise sufficient funds and to help these two noble causes. We will be most grateful to receive your response by 14 May, 2010 and are thanking you in advance for your interest and attention.
Attached here you can find the Sponsorship Request Form, please fill it in and send it back to us.
We look forward to the presence of our sponsors at 8:00pm at The Military Club Sofia, located at 7 Tzar Osvoboditel Boulevard. The entertainment for the cocktail will be provided by the Austrian folk music ensemble “Irrsdorfer Tanzlmusi” from Salzburg.