Svetu Ltd.

Svetu Ltd.
SVETU offers on the Bulgarian market new services and products, unseen until now by the Bulgarian consumer.
The high quality of our products and the realization of our services contributes to the development of the company and to the gain of trust among our clients.
SVETU consists entirely of young people. The average age is 23 years and we have a gender balance which also is a priority.
SVETU mainly is active in providing services and realization of products which are needed in the nowadays modern society.
SVETU possesses abilities to fully serve the clients and in a complex way to satisfy the needs they have.
Make the right move with SVETU.
SVETU works in the sphere of issuing, advertising, multimedia products construction, organization, realization and implementation of different events, campaigns and happenings and other activities which are not prohibited by law.
SVETU works with mainly young people as the work incorporates services and many realized initiatives with a charitable character that have been supported by the structures within the SVETU communication group company and partnering organizations.
SVETU is a modern company which prospers step-by-step and regularly enlarges its kinds and types of services and products.
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