As it is well known, the Rotaract Club Sofia Interntional supports the SOS Children’s Villages Bulgaria with a minimal sum of 20.00 BGN on a monthly basis.
Today the Club transfered the amount for the months January, February, March, April and May 2010.
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“Lead Bulgaria out of the educational crisis” was supported from the Rotaract Club Sofia International. The proposal for this project came from one of our regular guests – Ms. Olga Docheva. The project consisted of theatre plays, screenings of movies, folklore concerts, dancing workshops, fashion reviews, graphitti fest, beat-box contests.
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Several members of the Rotaract Club Sofia International and guests of the Club, leaded by the vice-president – our friend Mr. Ivan Kyurkchiyski, contributed to the Easter spirit in the St. Nicolas Orphanage in Novi Han.
The Rotaract Club Sofia International delivered chocolate eggs, natural juices and Easter cakes for all the children and the people in the Orphanage that is part of the St. Nicolas Monastery. The children were less in number since our last visit to this orphanage. This was good news due to the fact that the children had now been with their parents.
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Dear friends,
The Rotaract Club Sofia International has secured the quantity of 1200 books for our future projects. The books are donated by the library of the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Media of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The books are donated to the club because they were going to be otherwise given away and thus the library decided to give the books for the activities and projects of the Rotaract Club Sofia International.
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The Roratact Club Sofia International is proud to announce that the Interact Club Sofia Internation at Meridian 22 school initiated and implemented a successful tournament of card games. The tournament took place in bar-restauran FUSION in the center of Sofia city and gathered many members and guests from Interact clubs (the 2 clubs of Sofia International and other clubs) as well as from Rotaract (Sofia Internationa, Balkan, Veliko Turnovo) . Overal the amount of around 500 BGN was raised for the charity purpose of providing food supplies for orphanages.
Honorable winners:
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The Rotaract Club Sofia International organized a visit and donation of needed hygiene items to the St. Nicolas Orphanage in Novi Han on March 3rd 2010.
The Rotaract Club Sofia International started a project of a regular donation of needed items for the home where about 120 people in need live.
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Rotaract Club Sofia International implemented for a 2nd time the BG MARTENITZA project in the period March 1-3 2010 in the city of Sofia and Novi Han
The projected consisted of the donation of the traditional Bulgarian symbol for Spring – Martenitza to the people in the Pirogov Hhospital in Sofia and to an orphanage in Novi Han.
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The Rotaract Club Sofia International donated 1 set of unique atlases which are highly expensive. The atlases were donated at the 2nd Annual Donation ceremony in the National Museum of Archeology where most of the Rotary clubs in the District 2482 gathered to contribute. This is the first time that a Rotaract club made a donation of this kind. Until now only Rotary clubs have made such donations.
The ceremony took place in the National Museum of Archeology (next to Bulgarian National Bank) between 11:00 – 13:00 h. It gathered more than 100 representatives from 20 clubs. More than 35 schools were supported.
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Rotaract Club Sofia International had the honor to initiate a joint meeting with its partners and friends from Rotaract Club Sofia Balkan. This happened after the President of the RAC Sofia International Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev invited Rotaract Club Sofia Balkan due to the successful implementation of the project “Christmas Trees for Christmas Spirit”.
The meeting started with welcoming speeches by Mr. Iordan Terzyiski on behalf of Rotaract club Sofia Balkan as its President and Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev ( President of Rotaract club Sofia International).
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As part of its program “Support by Intermediation”, which aims to a monthly program for the ones who need everyday goods and food, the Rotaract Club Sofia International donated 45 drying racks (clothes driers) to the home for elderly people in Sofia city – Zona B-5.
The idea for the initiative came from a previous project of the members of the Rotaract Club Sofia International which donated books to a couple homes including this one. Back then the old people who live in this home told the members of Rotaract Club Sofia International that they urgently need 45 drying racks (clothes driers) because of the decrease of temperatures. The problem is that they cannot have their clothes and other washed things dry in an appropriate time. Also they do not want to use electric clothes driers due to the idea to be eco-friendly and save energy.
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Rotaract Club Sofia International is proud to inform you about the successful completion of the major initiative in favor of children and elderly people who live in social services homes on the territory of Sofia city!
The Rotaract Club Sofia International proposed 2 months ago an initiative for all 9 Sofia Rotaract clubs which consisted of providing Christmas trees with decoration and also some goods and food to more than 20 homes for orphans and elderly people. The donation primarly was supposed to be a joint initiative of all Sofia clubs but in the end Rotaract Club Sofia International, Rotaract Club Sofia Balkan, Interact Club Sofia International at Meridian 22, Rotaract Club Sofia Vitosha and Rotaract Club Sofia Vitosha-Izgrev with also the help of Rotary Club Sofia International managed to spare some time and provided 18 Christmas trees with decoration, goods and food for the “Donation of Christmas spirit” initiative.
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The Rotaract Club Sofia Interntional has taken the decision to support the SOS Children’s Villages Bulgaria with a minimal sum of 20.00 BGN on a monthly basis.
Today the Club transfered the amount for the months October, November and December 2009.
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