Lubomir Zhelehanov – President 2011/2012

Mr. Lubomir Zhelehanov - President 2011/2012
Born in the middle of the summer, Lubomir Zhelehanov is very social and positive person. Together with various sports practices, he graduated a top high-school in Sofia, the Anglo-American School, as a scholarship student. Currently, he is a Political Sciences top student in the New Bulgarian University of Sofia. Having himself faced and overcome many controversial moments in his life, at this young age Lubomir has learned that the thing that matters most in life is to love and help his relatives and friends, because they are indeed the people who would support him. On his way to becoming a successful and responsible person though, he would not rely on the help of anyone or anything other than his personal intelligence and ambition.
Lubomir Zhelehanov speaks fluently English and has a practically useful understanding of French and Spanish. The languages for him are an essential part of his future plans, because he is planning to work in the sector of International Relations. For him, variety in the everyday life is probably the most important thing and this is why he hopes to find realization in working with people from all around the world. Lubomir also has a keen interest in the areas of European history and Biology, as he finds them an essential knowledge, because they create the complex connection between past, present and future.
Lubomir is dedicated to his work in the social sector as having a great career as part of the Rotary movement in Bulgaria. Currently a member of the Rotaract Club Sofia International board, he is one of the youngest Presidents.