RACSI with a 2nd meeting for the 2011-2012 Rotarian year

2011-2012 Rotary International theme
Rotaract Club Sofia International had today its 2nd meeting for the 2011-2012 Rotarian year, after the seasonal vacation that was from the beginning of July, through August, till September 19. The meeting was attended by a little number of members and guests. The Secretary of the Club, Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev provided the agenda and a report on all that has happened related to the Club during the seasonal vacation. Many new joint and solemn projects were discussed and moved forward into forming a group for them from the members and the guests. Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev proposed the year to be filled with initiatives that coincide with the 2011-2012 Rotary International theme – “Reach Wwithin to Embrace Humanity”.
A protocol of the meeting was prepared, signed by the President and the Secretary of the Club and it was distributed via e-mail to all members of the club.
The meeting was 1 day prior to the official celebration of the 10 years anniversary of Hotel DOWNTOWN which was marked also by the members of RACSI and thus we all express our gratitude for the wonderful terms that are provided to the Club.