Rotary movement in Bulgaria marked 20 years of its renewal!

The Rotary movement in Bulgaria today marked 20 years of its official renewal in Bulgaria. The Rotary movement along with almost all non-governmental organization that united the leaders in Bulgaria were banned after the transformation from a monarchy to a People’s Republic of Bulgaria in the mid-1940-ies. The socialist and comunist parties recognized the formation and progress of other wealthy and strong organization as a prerequisite to political tension, no matter the fact that Rotary has never been actively involed in issues of political and religious character. After the reforms that brought more democratic opportunities to the people in Bulgaria, the Rotary movement was reborn and for the last 20 years it has shown that it is an important and leading group of leaders that build, maintain and bring progress to their communities.
Today Rotary Bulgaria has more than 150 clubs – Rotary, Rotaract, Interact and about 1000 members nation-wide. The principals and motos are the ones that bring together people who not only talk, but act in order to push forward good ideas and practices.
The official ceremony of marking 20 years of the renewal of Rotary in Bulgaria took place in the exclusive club STUDIO 5 in the National Palace of Culture. The event gathered around 250 Rotarians and guests. The music was smooth and pop-jazz performed specially by Hilda Kazasyan, Beloslava and Vassil Petrov. Rotaract Club Sofia International was presented by Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev (Past-President and Secretary 2011-2012) and Mr. Andrey Stoychev (member).