Ms. Paola Ivanova – Laureatte of SLAVYANODEYATEL 2010
The Rotaract Club Sofia International officially presented Ms. Paola Ivanova with the prestigious honorary award SLAVYANODEYATEL (English language translation – Slavic maker). The award and the honorary mention are for work and support for the enrichment and development of the Slavic culture and traditions. The awards are given on an annual basis for 1 non-Rotary member and 1 Rotaract member. The initiative is proposed and founded by the 1st president of the Rotaract Club Sofia International – Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev.
The certficate and honorary mention were given to Ms. Paola Ivanova on June 7th 2010 at a regular meeting of the Rotaract Club Sofia International. On June 14 2010 the RCSI will also give the award and honorary mention to Mr. Nikolay Tekeliev.
Ms. Paola Ivanova (Rotaract member)
Ms. Paola Ivanova is the current Secretary of the Rotaract Club Sofia International and elected to be Vice-President of the same club for the next Rotarian year. She is a former member of Rotaract Club Sofia Vitosha and a founding member of the Rotaract Club Sofia International. Besides her Rotarian activities she is the President of the SOFIMUN International Foundation and General-Secretary of the National Union “Treasure the Bulgarian Heritage”. She has a MA in Slavic studies from the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and is currently exloring the Social Media sphere as a PhD researcher at the Faculty for Journalism and Mass Communication. She is one of the most awarded students in the history of the Faculty for Slavic Studies at the Sofia University.
The Rotaract Club Sofia International is highly honored to have as a member one of the youngest professional translators in Bulgaria from Serb-Croatian languages. One of the main achievements is the completion of the translation of the book “Izvjestaj iz tamnog vilaeta” of Dzevad Karahasan. This is the first book of this author ever translated in Bulgarian language and with this activity Ms. Paola Ivanova has opened the door for the cultural enrichment of the Bulgarian society with the world of Dzevad Karahasan.
The SLAYANODEYATEL initiative continues in 2011 with awarding another 2 persons. We await your nominations.