Home > News and Events, Projects > RAC Sofia International attended “ECO Project – Save the nature” – Interact project

RAC Sofia International attended “ECO Project – Save the nature” – Interact project

June 12th, 2010

Members of the 2 Interact clubs of Sofia International Rotary family

Members of Rotaract Club Sofia International attended and supported the project “ECO Project – Save the Nature” which was initiated on June 12 2010 in National Nature Park “Vitosha”. The event was organized by the young Interactors from IAC Sofia International at Meridian 22 High-School.  The ecological project for saving the nature involved Interactors from both IAC Sofia Interantional at Meridian 22 High-School and Interact Club Sofia International at the Anglo American School in Sofia, and Rotaractors from Rotaract Club Sofia International. Together they combined their knowledge and efforts in cleaning our beautiful mountain Vitosha, painting signs and having a good day in the nature.

During the day the enthusiasts gathered four cubic meters garbage and painted different signs in the forest. The project was realized with the support of the administration of the National Nature Park Vitosha. The administration helped the Interactors with transport of the garbage. During the day the president of IAC Sofia Intenational at Meridian 22 High-School, Ms. Evelina Sandalova, gave a live interview for Radio Sofia, to explain more about the idea of this project. In that way more people who were not part of the family of Rotary got involved in the idea.

In the end when all the work was done a barbeque was organized. In this way the participants had a great day in the mountain Vitosha combining community service and enjoying fellowship.

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