RACSI at District 2482 Handover Conference

RACSI members with the new president of RAC Sofia Balkan - Mrs. Slavena Atanasova, at the Celebration for the New Rotarian Year
The Rotaract Club Sofia International attended the District 2482 Handover Conference on July 2, 2011. The event took place at the government residence Boyana, situated in the footsteps of Vitosha mountain (5 kms. from Sofia city centre). The event was organized by the District Rotary, Rotaract and Interact commissions together with the help of individual members. The conference marked the end of the previous Rotarian year and aimed to celebrate the beginning of the new one. The celebration was populated with different live performances of popular Bulgarian singers and dancing groups. The event was attended by more than 550 Rotarians and guests. The program included a hand-over celebration from the DG 2010-2011 Mr. Krasimir Ganchev to the DG 2011-2012 Mrs. Anelia Dosheva.
Informal Meeting with RAC Chisinau (Republic of Moldova – D2241)
Today 2 members of Rotaract Club Sofia International met with 3 representatives of the Rotaract Club Chisinau in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. The meeting was proposed by Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev (Past-president of Rotaract Club Sofia International) after having a conversation with members of Rotaract Club Chisinau. The meeting aimed to introduce the 2 clubs and to get to know more about the work that is done. The projects and initiatives that both clubs presented were of valued interest. The meeting aimed also to get more information about possible future collaboration on joint projects.
The meeting was attended by Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev (Past-President and Secretary) and Mr. Andrey Stoychev. The Rotaract Club Chisinau was presented by Ms. Alexandrina Robu (President), Mr. Dumitru Melnic (Vice-president) and Mr. Alexandru Musteata (Secretary-General of National Youth Council of Republic of Moldova).
Special attention was pointed towards the Moldova International Model United Nations and the Longest Martenitza Project. We thank Rotaract Club Chisinau for the readyness for collaboration and openess.
More about Rotaract Club Chisinau
‘Reach Within to Embrace Humanity’ is 2011-12 RI theme

RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjee announces the 2011-12 RI theme during the International Assembly in San Diego, California.
RI President-elect Kalyan Banerjee will ask Rotarians to Reach Within to Embrace Humanity during the 2011-12 Rotary year. Banerjee unveiled the RI theme during the opening plenary session of the 2011 International Assembly, a training event for incoming district governors. He urged participants to harness their inner resolve and strength to achieve success in Rotary. “In order to achieve anything in this world, a person has to use all the resources he can draw on. And the only place to start is with ourselves and within ourselves,” Banerjee said. Once Rotarians find their inner strength, he continued, they can accomplish great things in their communities and around the world.
RACSI Members Organize a Conference in Chisinau, Moldova

Moldova International Model United Nations
Members of Rotaract Club Sofia International helped for the organization of the premier edition of the Moldova International Model United Nations – a truly inspiring project for young specialists and students from all around the world who gathered for a couple of days in the beautiful city of Chisinau in order to enjoy in-depth workshops and debates together with current high-rank diplomats and professionals in the area of multicultural activities. The MDIMUN 2011 event was organized by the Creative Development Association with the support of the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Moldova, the United Nations in Moldova, the US Embassy in Moldova, IREX Moldova and the SOFIMUN International Foundation. As part of the SOFIMUN International Foundation and Rotaract Club Sofia International the event was conducted with the help of Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev (Secretary of Rotaract Club Sofia International for 2011-2012 and Secretary-General of the MDIMUN 2011 event) and by Mr. Andrey Stoychev (member of RACSI and Director for European Cooperation in the SOFIMUN Foundation).
New Member – Sally Meouche

New Member - Sally Meouche
The Rotaract Club Sofia International had the pleasure to welcome a new member on June 6, 2011 during a regular meeting. The new member is Ms. Sally Meouche (Sally) – a graduate of Maastricht University (Netherlands) and American University of Beirut (Lebanon), holding a bachelor degree in Economics, minor Political Science and now currently completing a MSc in Public Policy. She has been helping the club on the SOFIMUN initiative for a couple of years and has had affiliation with Rotaract clubs in Lebanon. Sally is proposed by our fellow member and current past-president – friend Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev due to her professional vision and attitude in different spheres. The members of RAC Sofia International are glad to work with their new friend Ms. Sally Meouche.
RACSI organizes the most successful young leaders summit
Dear Rotaract friends,
With the following, we would like to bring to your attention information on a project, co- organized by our Rotaract club, Rotaract Sofia International, District 2482- Bulgaria. In the period 23- 30 of July 2011, in Sofia, Bulgaria for a 4th time will be held the global conference for young specialists, “Sofia International Model United Nations” – SOFIMUN. The event is co-organized by International Foundation “SOFIMUN” and Rotaract club Sofia International.
Laureattes of SLAVYANODEYATEL 2011 announced
- Mrs. Anelia Dosheva – laureatte of SLAVYANODEYATEL 2011
The Rotaract Club Sofia International is glad to announce that it has reached a decision upon the laureattes of the prestige honorary award SLAVYANODEYATEL (English language translation – Slavic maker). The award and the honorary mention are for work and support for the enrichment and development of the Slavic culture and traditions. The awards are given on an annual basis for 1 non-Rotary member and 1 Rotary member. The initiative is proposed and founded by the 1st president of the Rotaract Club Sofia International – Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev.
Project with RAC Hammam-lif, TUNISIA (District 9010)
The Rotaract Club Sofia International took part in an international project organized by Rotaract ClubHammam-lif, TUNISIA (District 9010) – “Rotaract Picture Peace”. The project aims to gather photos of Rotaract clubs around the world at a monument or sight that is typical for the state or city in which the Rotaract Club is situated. The Rotaract Club Sofia International chose to make a photo of the ancient city of Serdica – ruled by Thracians, governed by Romans, developed by Bulgarians. The city now lies underneath the modern city of Sofia – the capital of Bulgaria. The monumental city Serdica is getting more and more excavated and is open for visitors who wish to walk under modern Sofia around the ancient walls of this magnificent jewl of Europe’s history.
Joint Meeting of the 10 RAC Clubs in Sofia

Joint meeting
Today a joint meeting of the 10 Rotaract Clubs in Sofia was held in RYLA HOTEL. 110 Rotaract members gathered in order to discuss recent issues, solve problems, develop ideas and agree on strategies for future collaboration and joint initiatives. The meeting was attended by a couple of Rotarians and the DG-Elect – Mrs. Anelia Dosheva, as well as the DRR-Elect – Mr. Alexander Vassilev. The meeting was attended by 4 members of Rotaract Club Sofia International -Mr. Lyubomir Zhelehanov (Elect-President), Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev (Past-President), Ms. Paola Ivanova (Vice-President) and Mr. Yordan Dukoff (Elect-Sergeant at Arms).
Participation in Project of Rotaract Club Goztepe (Turkey)

Rotaract Commitment
The Rotaract Club Sofia International took part in an international project organized by Rotaract Club Goztepe. The project aims to find the effects of ROTARY corporate personality and credibility on organizational commitment of ROTARACT Clubs. The project involved the members of the club to fill an online survey with 50+ questions on Rotaract and Rotary. Read more…
Informal Meeting with RAC Bucharest Atheneum

Rotaract Club Bucharest Atheneum
Today a couple of members of Rotaract Club Sofia International met with a representative of the Rotaract Club Bucharest Atheneum in Bucharest, Romania. The meeting was proposed by Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev (Past-president of Rotaract Club Sofia International) after having a conversation with members of Rotaract Club Bucharest Atheneum. The meeting aimed to introduce the 2 clubs and to get to know more about the work that is done. The projects and initiatives that both clubs presented were of interest. The meeting aimed also to get more information about the collaboration on the international project – “The Four ‘Why’s in Everyday Life” – International Essay Contest.
“The Four ‘Why’s in Everyday Life” – International Essay Contest
The Rotaract Club Sofia International has joined a joint-project between Rotaract clubs from United Kingdom, France, Holland, Italy, Turkey, India and Romania. The project is initiated by our friends from Rotaract Club Bucharest Atheneum and it targets young people – students and graduates. The aim of the project is promoting the respect and appliance of the Rotarian/Rotaractian principles, friendship and good-understanding between young people on a daily basis.