RACSI with a donation to Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
The Rotaract Club Sofia International together with the sponsorship of SVETU Ltd., a company owned by the Past-President of Rotaract Club Sofia International – Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev, have provided a generous donation to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. More specifically the donation has been made to the Institute for Plant Physiology and Genetics by providing 2 important new-technology products – a fully customizable website (http://www.ifrg-bg.com/) and an intranet system for the work of the teams that produce the 2 specialized journals. The Institute for Plant Physiology and Genetics has been recognized as a structure in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with one of the best websites. Also the Institute for Plant Physiology and Genetics has started to work more on international projects and has gained more prestige from the ability to have up-to-date information posted and spread through the website it now has.