Home > News and Events, Projects, Video > Rotaract Sofia International attended a Hawaii Party (+Video)

Rotaract Sofia International attended a Hawaii Party (+Video)

June 19th, 2010
Balloons at the Hawaii Party

Balloons at the Hawaii Party

The Rotaract Club Sofia International attended a Hawaii Party after a full day of Tennis tournament. The events were organized by Rotaract Club Sofia and this was the 16th edition of the project. At the Hawaii Party the members of Rotaract Club Sofia International (Dimiter Mandradjiev, Paola Ivanova, Evelina Sandalova) and the members of the Interact Club Sofia International at the Anglo-American School (Lyubomir Zhelehanov, Atanas Mihnev), who also attended the party, had the pleasure to participate in the charitable auction and raffle. The Rotaract Club Sofia International bought at the auction the Bulgarian invention of the 20th century – a “chushkopek” = “pepper-baker” (a portable oven which is only for baking peppers). All the proceeds from the event are for a social fascility for young women near Sofia city. The event was very well organized and despite the heavy rain all the guests had fun.
Video from the event:

News and Events, Projects, Video

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