Sofia International Food Day (+Video)

The Croats stand
Authentic international meals and drinks were sold in order to raise funds for a charitable cause. Rotaract Club Sofia International as part of the Rotary Sofia International family (The Rotary Club Sofia International, Rotaract Club Sofia International, Interact Club Sofia International at the Anglo-American School in Sofia and Interact Club Sofia International at Meridian 22 School) had the opportunity to host another exclusive and very interesting international event – an international cuisine project.
The Rotaract Club Sofia International inspired the happening of the first edition of the Sofia International Food Day. The initiative gathered food from the national cuisines of the USA, Italy, Sweden, Croatia, Pakistan, Finland, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Armenia, Russia, Malta, Brazil and Bulgaria. The event took place at r-t Before & After (Sofia, 12 “Hristo Belchev” str.) in the time 13:00 – 17:00 h.
We had the pleasure to have the special participation of the ambassador of Finland and the ambassador of Pakistan.
All raised funds will are to be donated to the international efforts to help and assist the people who have suffered the recent floods in Pakistan.