Rotaract Donated 45 Drying Racks (Clothes Driers) to Elderly People
As part of its program “Support by Intermediation”, which aims to a monthly program for the ones who need everyday goods and food, the Rotaract Club Sofia International donated 45 drying racks (clothes driers) to the home for elderly people in Sofia city – Zona B-5.
The idea for the initiative came from a previous project of the members of the Rotaract Club Sofia International which donated books to a couple homes including this one. Back then the old people who live in this home told the members of Rotaract Club Sofia International that they urgently need 45 drying racks (clothes driers) because of the decrease of temperatures. The problem is that they cannot have their clothes and other washed things dry in an appropriate time. Also they do not want to use electric clothes driers due to the idea to be eco-friendly and save energy.
The Rotaract Club Sofia International took a decision to spent 540.00 BGN (approx. 275 EURO) from the budget of the Club for this project and with them bought 45 drying racks and delivered them on December 22 2009 at the home. No matter the fact that due to the time of the delivery (12:30-13:30) the members of the club were only 2 – Mr. Dimiter Mandradjiev and Mr. Ivan Rujev, the donation was warmly welcomed and the 2 young Rotarians were greeted and thanked for the support that the Club has provided on this occasion.
The elderly people said that it is true that around Christmas miracles happen and that they have been waiting a couple of years in order somebody to listen to their asking for the clothes dryers.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!